where the streets have no name

YES! Abe já era…

by on set.12, 2007, under randomisc


Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, whose year-old government has suffered a string of damaging scandals and a humiliating electoral defeat, has told ruling party leaders he wants to resign, news reports said Wednesday.

National broadcaster NHK said Abe made the announcement in a morning meeting with ruling party leaders, citing unidentified top officials of the Liberal Democratic Party. Other TV networks carried similar reports.

Abe spokesman Hiroshi Suzuki, deputy Cabinet secretary, said he was aware of the reports but he could not immediately confirm them.

The reports come after Abe’s scandal-scarred government lost control of the House of Councillors in July 29 elections.

Abe, whose support ratings have plunged since he took office a year ago, was facing a battle in the Diet over his efforts to extend the country’s refueling mission in support of the U.S.-led operation in Afghanistan.

The plenary session of the lower house was to be delayed, media reports said, but an official of the lower house could not confirm the news, saying she had not heard of anything.

Aconteceu oque já era esperado, o primeiro ministro japones Abe Shinzo renunciou ao hoje. Desde o inicio do ano ele já vinha sendo atacado e questionado sobre sua politica/postura. Já era de se esperar, nem cara de primeiro ministro, nem pulso firme ele tinha… Agora é esperar pra ver se o proximo consegue ser melhor que o Koizumi.

fonte bbc

2 Comments for this entry

  • drebes

    Não sei porque ele me lembra o Quico (do Chaves), acho que é pelas bochechas.

    Mas eu fiquei impressionado recentemente quando o Abe foi pros EUA e noticiaram que era a primeira visita dele ao país. Pode-se se ter a crítica que quiser sobre os EUA, mas isso indiretamente mostra muito do que se pode esperar da visão de mundo da classe política japonesa.

  • Fernando

    E ai cara blz??

    Achei vc sem querer la no Blog do Nova York pra mão de vaca.

    Vi que vc ja foi pra NY, e TB esta no Japão.

    Gostaria de trocar uma ideia com vc, é possivel? meu msn é sky_goya@hotmail.com


    Fernando Goya

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