where the streets have no name

Empathic Weapon: The priestess’s sword has a mind of its own;

by on nov.14, 2012, under japan

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high quality designer replica handbags Bestiality Is Depraved: The insult “You molester of virgin goats!” is commonly used in the region where the story is set. In the finale, when Lythande is throwing insults at the villainous Adept to distract him before he figures out her Secret, she throws in the one about virgin goats and his reaction makes her immediately realize that that’s his Secret. Blasphemous Boast: “I am Lythande! Who dares challenge me, man or woman or goddess?” Chekhov’s Gun: The unusual swearing in the region “defiler of virgin goats” and similar turns out to be the very weapon Lythande needs to destroy the villainous Adept, as it’s his Secret. Clingy MacGuffin: Lythande buries the sword with the most powerful sealing spells she knows, and it ends up back in her pack. Empathic Weapon: The priestess’s sword has a mind of its own; it hunts down and kills the people who killed her, basically using Lythande just as a hand to hold it. Hidden in Plain Sight: The villainous Adept’s secret has been hidden in plain sight in the community it’s used as a commonplace swear unique to the area. Im Dying Please Take My Macguffin: The priestess at the beginning presses her magic sword onto Lythande, to take back to the temple. Only the Chosen May Wield: The goddess’s swords may only be touched by women. Recursive Crossdressing: Played with Lythande is a woman, but she’s been passing as a man for decades or longer by this point; dressing as a woman to get into the temple is awkward crossdressing to her. This is further complicated by the fact that to anyone who knows her, she still has to pretend to be a man pretending to be a woman high quality designer replica handbags.

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