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His return to popularity and respectability came alongside the

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Replica Handbags Catch Phrase: “Get ready to match the stars!” Rayburn typically said “Slide it, Earl!” (“Orrie” later in the run) when asking to reveal the answer in the Super Match. Sometimes when the questions got a little too un PC, Charles and/or Brett would say “We’re gonna get letters.” For Brett, it was “Good Gravy, Marie!” Whenever neither contestant made any matches during the first round, Gene would point to the 0 0 and say “My, we have a real pitcher’s duel going on here!” Sometimes Richard would give his answer as “El _______ O.” In the Canadian reboot, Sean Cullen has “What I was going to say was.(ridiculous answer).” Gene, introducing a question: ” was so.” is expected to be met with the audience, contestants, and panelists interjecting “HOW WAS HE/SHE?” before Gene finishes the question Replica Handbags.

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