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Tag: demonoid

Mac OS X Snow Leopard: Developers Preview

by on jun.27, 2008, under demonoid, gadget, torrent

Já ta rolando nos torrents da vida o Mac OS X Snow Leopard: Developers Preview, o tamanho do ISO é 6.52giga ou seja DVD Double layer, pelos comments do torrent aparentemente esse developer preview só roda em maquinas Intel.

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by on abr.13, 2008, under demonoid

O Demonoid acabou de voltar ao ar.

O Deimos deixou a adaminstração para o Umlauf que acaba de colocar o site no ar.
Dias atras o RSS feed eo tracker ja tinha retornado.
O user/pass do site continua funcionando, o ratio tambem pemanece inalterado.

O tracker esta movimentadissimo, desde entre pra hoja ja foram adicionados milhares de novos torrents.
Agora é correr pra la e começar a baixar tudo!

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Demonoid down… de novo!

by on nov.09, 2007, under randomisc

Depois de 2 meses a CRIA deu um shutdown no Demonoid de novo.
O demonoid já estava bloqueado para o Canada e agora o provedor que hospedava o Demonoid foi fechado.
O tracker continua funcionando, mas o site esta fechado.
Agora é esperar pra ver oque acontece, o cerco esta se fechando cada vez mais, o Pitate Bay tambem tem sofrido um processo atras do outro.

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Leopard saiu da jaula

by on out.24, 2007, under randomisc

demonoid leopard

O Leopard Retail ISO já foi liberado nas melhores lojas do ramo…
6.56giga ISO double layer

Peers: 12 seeders, 1539 leechers e subindo… Acho que o tracker ta congestionado e a velocidade de DL ta meio lento, mas acho que ate sexta chega 😀

[edit] Tinha esquecido, o OiNK.CD morreu, o owner foi preso (pagou a fiança e já foi liberado) e os servidores confiscados.

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Demonoid Down, de novo…

by on set.27, 2007, under randomisc

Demonoid ta fora do ar já faz mais de 24horas e aparentemente dessa vez não foi por problema de hardware.
Circula pela rede que o responsável peo shutdown do Demonoid foi a CRIA.
Até o momento não existe nada de concreto, os peers continuam funcionando, mas o site em si esta fora do ar. Agora é esperar pra ver oque acontece, provavelmente o Demonoid deve transferir os servidores pra algum outro safe heaven.
Abaixo o post do torrentfreak.

As of now it is still unsure what exactly happened, but the popular Dutch news site nu.nl reports that the CRIA is responsible for the downtime.
TorrentFreak contacted some of the Demonoid administrators, but they are not sure what happened either. It is certainly possible that Demonoid’s Canadian ISP pulled the plug after being pressured by the CRIA. The ISP said before that they would take it down if they would receive complaints.

Right now, the Demonoid server is still pinging, but the ISP could have firewalled the everything after they received some serious legal threats. Deimos, the founder and the head admin of the site is unreachable and has not responded yet.

This is not the first time Demonoid suffers major downtime due to pressure from the anti-piracy lobby. Demonoid had to move its servers from The Netherlands to Canada in June after The Dutch anti-piracy outfit BREIN filed a subpoena against Demonoid’s ISP. BREIN had asked the ISP to take Demonoid offline and hand over the administrator’s personal details, but Demonoid relocated their servers before any harm was done.

Unfortunately, it now seems that Canada is not the “safe haven” as they expected it to be. It is likely that Demonoid has to relocate again, for the second time in three months.

Demonoid tracks over a million .torrent files and is the second largest BitTorrent tracker after The Pirate Bay. The shutdown of the site and tracker is a huge blow for the BitTorrent community that lost 2 of the most popular BitTorrent trackers (TorrentBox was taken offline for US users a few hours ago) within 24 hours.

[edit] 30 setembro 2007, o tracker voltou, a pagina voltou por algumas horas, mas saiu fora do ar com a mensagem “The latest changes to the site are giving us some problems – We’ll be back soon”, talvez algum problema com a config. do servidor.

[edit] 02 outubro 2007, o demonoid voltou e aparentemente esta estavel, novos torrents ja comecaram a pipocar.


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